"There is so much opportunity out there. In the end it isn't about how much money you make or if you have more degrees than a thermometer, it's about how happy you are in life" You can say that again...and again
More details about my knowledge of jobs by JW's:
My exposure to JW's is by means of the Hispanic immigrant community in L.A., of which I am part of. All the people that I know, except for the couple that I mentioned above, are immigrants or first generation Americans. I know them well. they are my friends. The levels of intelligence can run the whole spectrum, but because they had a rough early life, in most cases working since childhood (often as young as 6), they had no chance to attend university. I don't question intelligence or ability. I never tried to demean any type of work, I simply attempted to describe based on my observations. My conclusions are the most common jobs among immigrant Hispanic JW's are cleaning and landscaping, generally performed by those with lower education; and translators, performed by those with more education, generally by first generation Hispanic Americans or immigrants raised and educated in the U.S. These jobs will never expose you to the "dangers" of evolution or history or bible scholarship. Therefore, I feel the JW leadership is quite happy with that status quo. Nothing else intended.
OK, off to fix some copiers.